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Curriculum vitae and research interests: From 1982 to my retirement in 2020 I was a lexicographer at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae-Institute at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich, delegated by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Besides the TLL my research has focused on the semantic development of early modern Latin, esp. on lexicographical questions. I have been interested in the works of Niccolò Perotti, their sources and reception, Pomponio Leto, and Ermolao Barbaro the Younger.
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I am also interested in webdesign for the Humanities and have developed numerous web sites. I am webmaster of Repertorium Pomponianum, Forum for Renæssancestudier, Nordic Network for Renaissance Studies, Centre for Danish Neo-Latin, and of Nordic Journal of Renaissance Studies.
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae:
Ca. 150 articles for Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Bde. IX,1, X/1, X/2, XI/2 Stuttgart-Leipzig 1983ff., a. o. 1. pro (1998), 2. pro (1998), procul (1998), produco (1999), profecto (1999), profero (1999), prope-propior-proximus (2002), propter (2004), psalmus (2006), puto (2008). nascor, -i (2010). reconcilio al. (2011), nausea (2012), ne quidem (2015), necesse, negotium, remitto, remissa etc. (2020). |
In work:
Neulateinische Wortliste. Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700 (www.neulatein.de 2003ff.). |
Contributions to Repertorium Pomponianum (www.repertoriumpomponianum.it 2006ff.). |
77. | Poggio's Historiae Florentini Populi: An Analysis of its Latin Lexicon. Nordic Journal of Renaissance Studies 22, 2024. Medicina Mentis. Essays in Honour of Outi Merisalo on the Occasion of her Sixty-Fifth Birthday 9 May 2024, 273-294. (offprint) |
76. | Towards a digital profile of early modern Latin: Word frequency and dispersion in some Neo-Latin historiographical texts. Nordic Journal of Renaissance Studies 18, 2022, 371-392. (offprint) |
75. | with M. Pade, Dantes latin. In: Dante Alighieri - Latinske Skrifter, eds. Christian Høgel et al. (Copenhagen 2021, 133-144). |
74. | Stylometry in a Language without Native Speakers: A Test Case from Early Modern Latin. Philology Then and Now. Proceedings of the Conference held at The Danish Academy in Rome, 16 July 2019. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici XLIV 2019 (published 2021), 151-167. (offprint) |
73. | "Words and more? Lateinische Lexikographie von Rom bis München", Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jahrbuch 2019 (Heidelberg 2020), 125-130 (offprint). |
72. | Abstract of: Suse Andresen, "Kurien- und Kulturkontakte im Spiegel der römischen Notarsakten des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts". In: Curial Sources and Digital Humanities. Long term projects in international comparison, ed. by Irmgard Fees, Claudia Märtl, Andreas Rehberg, Jörg Voigt. Reti Medievali Rivista 20, 1 (2019), 103-118. Roma nel Rinascimento 2020. |
71. | Review of: Margaret Meserve, Pius II. Commentaries: volume 3, books V-VII. The I Tatti Renaissance library, 83. Cambridge, MA 2018. BMCR 2020.10.46 (bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2020/2020.10.46/). |
70. | Language and Cultural Memory in the Antiquitates of Annius of Viterbo, Meaningful Memories, eds. Lærke Maria Andersen Funder & Trine Arlund Hass, Nordic Journal of Renaissance Studies 17, 2020, 35-66. (offprint) |
69. | The Latin of the German Reformation and the Heritage of Quattrocento Humanism, Cultural Encounter and Identity in the Neo-Latin World, edd. Camilla Horster & Marianne Pade, Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, Supplementum LIV, Rome 2020, 155-177. (offprint). Review of the volume in Bollettino di studi latini 52 (2022), 848-853, by Alessia Grillone (pdf). |
68. | Review of: Nadia Scippacercola, Sull'esegesi di bellaria e tragemata in alcuni passi del De honesta voluptate et valetudine di Bartolomeo Sacchi, detto il Platina: per una storia di alcuni termini del lessico culinario. Spolia. Journal of Medieval Studies 2017, 1-33. in: roma nel rinascimento 2018, 281-282. (offprint) |
67. | Review of: Carl P. E. Springer, Cicero in Heaven: The Roman Rhetor and Luther's Reformation. St Andrews studies in Reformation history. Leiden; Boston: 2017, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.07.03. (URL: BMCR) |
66. | Pomponio Leto, Letter of dedication for the written version of the funeral oration for Leonardo Grifo. Critical edition. In: Repertorium Pomponianum (Rome 2018). (URL: www.repertoriumpomponianum.it) |
65. | Language Change in Humanist Latin: the case of traducere (to translate). In: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 40-41 (2015-2016), 35-62. (offprint from www.neulatein.de or www.acdan.it) |
64. | Consuetudo Veterum—Mos Italorum: Vos and tu in the Latin letters of early German humanism. In: The Metadiscourse of Renaissance Humanism, ed. Annet den Haan, Renæssanceforum 11 (2016), 63-86. (offprint from www.neulatein.de or www.renaessanceforum.dk) |
63. | Introduction. In: Latin and the Early Modern World: linguistic identity and the polity from Petrarch to the Habsburg novelists, edd. Trine Hass, Noreen Humble, Marianne Pade, Renæssanceforum 10 (2016), 1-8. (offprint) |
62. | Perotti's Life of Martial and its Literary Context. In: Vitae Pomponianae: Lives of Classical Writers in Fifteenth-Century Roman Humanism, ed. Marianne Pade. Renæssanceforum 9 (2015), 157-176. (offprint) |
61. | Hermolao Barbaro and Early Modern Latin. Unpublished talk from the roundtable: Worlds of Words: Greek and Latin Lexicography in the Renaissance in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, RSA Berlin 2015 (ms). |
60. | "Domizio Calderini", Repertorium Pomponianum (Rom 2014) (URL). |
59. | Nicolaus Perottus, "Vita Martialis", ed. Johann Ramminger, Repertorium Pomponianum (Rom 2014) (URL). |
58. | Neo-Latin: Character and Development, Brill's Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World edited by Philip Ford, Jan Bloemendal and Charles Fantazzi. Renaissance Society of America Texts & Studies Series 3 (Leiden 2014), 21-36 (offprint). |
57. | Review of Giancarlo Abbamonte, Diligentissimi uocabulorum perscrutatores. Lessicografia ed esegesi dei testi classici nell'Umanesimo romano di XV secolo (Pisa 2012). roma nel rinascimento (2013), 29-30 (offprint). |
56. | The Vita Lucani of Pomponio Leto and Perotti's Cornu copiae. Studi Umanistici Piceni 33 (2013), 17-24. (offprint) |
55. | Review of: Ingrid A.R. De Smet, Cui bono? Some Reflections on the Aims of Teaching Post-Classical Latin, in Syntagmatia. Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Honour of Monique Mund-Dopchie and Gilbert Tournoy, a cura di Dirk Sacré e Jan Papy, Leuven University Press 2009, (Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia XXVI), p.825-834, roma nel rinascimento (2012), 84-85. (offprint) |
54. | Niccolò Perotti und die Entwicklung des Neulateins am Anfang der Neuzeit: Zu einigen Lemmata des Cornu copiae. Studi Umanistici Piceni XXXII (2012), 29-38. (offprint) |
53. | Review of: Domizio Calderini, Commentary on Silius Italicus, edited by Frances Muecke and John Dunston†. Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance CDLXXVII (Genève, Librairie Droz, 2011), Roma nel Rinascimento (2011), 158-160. (offprint) |
52. | The role of classical, medieval, and Renaissance lexicography in the development of neo-Latin: some examples from the Latin works of Marcus Marulus, Studi Umanistici Piceni XXXI (2011), 75-86. (offprint) |
51. | Half of (which?) Latin: the Lemmata of Perotti's Cornu copiae. In: Niccolò Perotti: the Languages of Humanism and Politics. Contributions from the conference "Un umanista romano del secondo Quattrocento. Niccolò Perotti", held at the Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo and the Danish Academy in Rome, 4-5 June 2009, ed. Marianne Pade & Camilla Plesner Horster, Renæssanceforum 7 (2011), 163-180 (download offprint here or the whole volume here). |
50. | Pomponio Leto's Nachleben: A phantom in need of research? In: Pomponio Leto tra identità locale e cultura internazionale. Atti del convegno internazionale, Teggiano, 3-5 ottobre 2008, a cura di Anna Modigliani, Patricia Osmond, Marianne Pade, Johann Ramminger. Roma nel Rinascimento inedita, 48 saggi (Roma 2011), 237-250 (download offprint here). |
49. | Marulus as a neo-Latin writer. Colloquia Maruliana XX (2011), 123-138 (download offprint here or here) |
48. | Humanists and the Vernacular: Creating the Terminology for a Bilingual Universe, in Latin and the Vernaculars in Early Modern Europe. Contributions from the conference "Texts & Contexts IV, The Role of Latin in Early Modern Europe", hosted by the University of Aarhus; Sandbjerg, 17.-20.5.2007, ed. Trine Arlund Hass & Johann Ramminger, Renæssanceforum 6 (2010), 1-22 (download offprint here). |
47. | En humanists stemmer – hvori består de? En undersøgelse af stilistiske virkemidler i Niccolò Perottis breve. Marianne Pade & Johann Ramminger. Stemmer i italiensk litteratur. Festskrift til Lene Waage Petersen (København 2009), 43-62. |
46. | Perotti's Latin Letters: Style in Theory and Practice. Studi Umanistici Piceni 29 (2009), 85-94. (offprint) |
45. | Coloris color. Zur Entwicklung des Begriffs der 'Farbe' im Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, in exempla selecta. Festschrift für Hugo Beikircher, ed. M. Flieger (München 2008), 189-209. |
44. | Notes on the Meaning of commentarius in the Italian Renaissance (with an appendix containing texts by Valla, Tortelli and Perotti). Atti del convegno "Esegesi dimenticate di autori classici", Perugia, 25-27. 10. 2007, ed. C. Santini e F. Stok (Pisa 2008), 11-35. (offprint) |
43. | "Etwas anderes quasi mit denselben Worten": Goldmetaphern von der lateinischen Antike bis heute. Acta der Tagung "Gold", Tagung anlässlich der Gründung des Zentrums Archäologie und Altertumswissenschaften an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 19.-20. April 2007. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-hist. Klasse. Denkschriften, 377. Bd. = Origines. Schriften des Zentrums Archäologie und Altertumswissenschaften Bd. I (Wien 2009), 33-41. (Offprint) |
42. | Die Lateinkultur einer Großmacht. Rez. von: Hans Helander, Neo-Latin Literature in Sweden in the Period 1620-1720. Stylistics, Vocabulary and Characteristic Ideas (Uppsala 2004). Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 10 (2008), 328-29. (pdf of ms.) |
41. | Seidener Faden und Goldenes Zeitalter: Sprachbilder/Bildersprache von der Antike bis heute. Vortragsmanuskript. |
40. | "Nur ein Humanist ...". Einige neue Beispiele für humanista im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert, ALBVM AMICORVM. Festskrift til Karsten Friis-Jensen i anledning af hans 60 års fødselsdag / Studies in Honour of Karsten Friis-Jensen on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, ed. Marianne Pade et al., Renæssanceforum 3 (2007) (download offprint here). |
39. | Humanitatis professor humanus esto: Beroaldo über Perotti [Appendix: autumare und demirari in der zweiten Hälfte des Quattrocento], Studi Umanistici Piceni 27 (2007), 39-59. (pdf) |
38. | "Domizio Calderini", Beitrag für Centuriae latinae, II: Cent une figures humanistes de la Renaissance aux Lumières. A la mémoire de Marie-Madeleine de la Garanderie. ed. Colette Nativel. Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 164 (Génève, 2006) 167-74. |
37. | "A commentary? Ermolao Barbaro's Supplement to Dioscorides", in: On Renaissance Commentaries, ed. Marianne Pade (Hildesheim, Olms, 2005) 65-85 [Noctes Neolatinae, Bd. 5] (offprint). |
36. | "Jakob Wimpfeling and the Early Reception of Perotti's Cornu Copiae in Germany", Studi Umanistici Piceni 25 (2005) 115-124. (offprint) |
35. | Kaspar Schoppe, Autobiographische Texte und Briefe I: Philotheca Schoppiana. Eine frühneuzeitliche Autobiographie 1576-1630, 2 Bde., in Zusammenarbeit mit Ursula Jaitner-Hahner und Johann Ramminger bearbeitet von Klaus Jaitner (München 2004) [Bayerische Gelehrtenkorrespondenz II] |
34. | " 'Das altehrwürdige Bologna'. Zu Absicht und Vorbildern von Perottis 'De origine urbis Bononiae'. Studi Umanistici Piceni 23 (2003) 59-74. (offprint) |
33. | "Lacticinium: Antikes Latein bei Perotti und Barbaro", Studi Umanistici Piceni 22 (2002) 47-53. (offprint) |
32. | Rez. von: Augustinus-Lexikon Vol.2 Fasc. 1/2: Cor-Deus. Gnomon 73, 2001, 452-453. |
31. | Kritische Ausgabe von Niccolò Perotti, Cornu copiae seu linguae Latinae commentarii Bd. 8: Indices, mit J.-L. Charlet, M. Pade, F. Stok. Sassoferrato 2001. (digital copy) |
30. | "Auf dem Weg zum Cornu copiae. Niccolò Perottis Martialkommentar im Vaticanus lat. 6848", Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 3 (2001) 125-144. (pdf) |
29. | "Brotheus e Timon: Il vocabolario della polemica tra Domizio Calderini e Niccolò Perotti", Studi Umanistici Piceni 21 (2001) 147-155. (offprint) |
28. | "Die 'Irrtümer Perottis' von Ermolao Barbaro d. J. Ausgabe und Kommentar von Brief 135", Festschrift für A. Primmer. Wiener Studien 114 (2001), 677-700. (offprint) |
27. | Kritische Ausgabe des Texts und Übersetzung von Iohann Baptist Staud, Mulier fortis, cuius pretium de ultimis finibus, sive Gratia, regni Tango regina ... (uraufgeführt 1798). Zusammen mit Walter Pass und Margret Dietrich. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich. Wien-Graz 2000. |
26. | Kritische Ausgabe von Niccolò Perotti, Cornu copiae seu linguae Latinae commentarii Bd. 7, mit J.-L. Charlet, M. Furno, M. Pade, G. Abbamonte. Sassoferrato 1999. 359 S (mein Teil: S. 132-171). (digital copy) |
25. | "Né Dioscuride né Plinio. Su alcuni testi medicinali del Medioevo e il Cornu copiae di Niccolò Perotti", Studi Umanistici Piceni 19 (1999) 104-114. (offprint) |
24. | "Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Dioskurides von Ermolao Barbaro (1453-1493)", Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 1 (1999) 189-204. |
23. | "Rem latinam iuuare: Zur Funktion nichtfachlicher Zitate im Corollarium des Ermolao Barbaro", Studi Umanistici Piceni 18 (1998) 139-155 (offprint). |
22. | Besprechung von: Martine Furno, Le "Cornu copiae" de Niccolò Perotti, Culture et méthode d'un humaniste qui aimait les mots. Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen 22 (1998), 22-26. |
21. | Die Animadversiones in Perotti Cornucopiam von Ermolao Barbaro dem Jüngeren. Studi Umanistici Piceni 16 (1996) 87-99. (offprint) |
20. | Kritische Ausgabe von Niccolò Perotti, Cornu copiae seu linguae Latinae commentarii Bd. 4, mit Marianne Pade. Sassoferrato 1995. 359 S. (digital copy) https://www.repertoriumpomponianum.it/textus/perotti_cornu_copiae.htm |
19. | "Die Dichterkrönung des Georgius Sibutus auf dem Kölner Reichstag von 1505", Vortrag beim Kongress der International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, Bari 1994. Unpubliziert. |
18. | "Das 'Privilegium laureationis' des Giovanni Francesco Conti. Ein Beitrag zur Wirkungsgeschichte des Diploms der Dichterkrönung Petrarcas", Studi Umanistici Piceni 14 (1994) 161-177. (offprint) |
17. | "Die Macht der Musik: Das mythologische Universum der Gedichte an Paul Hofheimer in den Harmoniae Poeticae", Studi Umanistici Piceni 13 (1993) 219-228. (offprint) |
16. | Besprechung von: M. Annaei Lucani De bello civili libri X, ed. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Stuttgart 1988, in Gnomon 64 (1992), 15-20. |
15. | "The Roman Inscriptions of Augsburg Published by Conrad Peutinger", Studi Umanistici Piceni 12 (1992) 197-210. (offprint) |
14. | "Das Enniusfragment O praestans animi iuvenis (inc. 47 V.): Eine Fälschung K. Barths?", Eranos 89 (1991), 125-128. |
13. | "Imitation and Allusion in the Achaemenides Scene (Vergil, Aeneid 3.588-691)", American Journal of Philology 112 (1991), 53-71. |
12. | "Humanist Poetry and Its Classical Models: A Collection from the Court of Emperor Maximilian I", Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Torontonensis; Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies. Toronto 8 August to 13 August 1988. Binghamton New York 1991, 581-593. (offprint) |
11. | Besprechung von: Augustinus-Lexikon, ed. C. Mayer. Stuttgart, Bd. I, Fasc. 1-2 1986, Fasc. 3 1988, in Gnomon 62 (1990), 310-314; Fasc. 4 1990, in Gnomon 64 (1992), 357-359. |
10. | Kritische Konkordanz zu den epischen Gedichten des Alcimus Avitus. Hildesheim 1990. 396 S. |
9. | "Zu Text und Interpretation von Alcimus Avitus' De spiritalis historiae gestis", Wiener Studien 101 (1988), 313-325. |
8. | "Zur Interpretation von Luxurius anth. 305 R.", Philologus 132 (1988), 297-307. |
7. | "De verborum significatu vel rationibus lexicorum condendorum", Symposion Latinitatis Posthumanisticae; Vorträge einer Tagung der Arbeitsstelle für Neulatein an der Universität des Saarlandes. 28.-29. Aug. 1987. ed. Ch. Helfer. Saarbrücken 1988, 135-144. |
6. | Rez. von: Gérard Freyburger, Fides. Étude sémantique et religieuse depuis les origines jusqu'à l'époque augustéenne. Paris 1986, in Gnomon 60 (1988), 18-22. |
5. | "Lebensweisheiten in der antiken Literatur", Einleitung zu Antike Lebensweisheiten, gesammelt von G. Friedrich. München 1987, 5-10. |
4. | "Quellen und Genese der Scholien und Glossen zu Lukan, Pharsalia 2, 355-371", Hermes 114 (1986), 479-490. |
3. | "Dei militibus praepositi (Carmen evocationis Macr. Sat. 3,9,8)", Museum Helveticum 43 (1986), 195-198. |
2. | "Varronisches Material in den Scholien zu Lukan, Pharsalia II 356. 359. 371", Maia 37 (1985), 255-259. |
1. | "Praedecessor - prodecessor", Museum Helveticum 41 (1984), 36-39. |
Erstellt von Johann Ramminger